We found 26 reviews about company Геобанк, located at 115230, комната № 11, Каширское ш., 3, корпус 2, строение 9, этаж 2, Москва, 115230.
Average rating of company 4.0 points out of 5.
The company rating is medium. By increasing the company's rating, you can increase the number of customers up to 20%.
Reviews about the company collected from Google Maps, Yandex Maps, Yell.ru in the period from 27.04.2018 until 27.04.2021.
No reviews have been left about the company in the last 30 days. You can motivate customers to leave feedback about your company through a system of rewards and discounts, mail and SMS newsletters. If the customer leaves a positive review, the probability that they will return for the service again increases significantly.
Percentage of replies to reviews - 0%.
Company representatives Геобанк you need to reply to customer reviews, since no reviews with a reply were found. According to research, 86% of users investigate reviews of a company before purchasing, and 89% of them care about how the company responds to reviews.